Some findings on this issue: PEAK CAN Driver is the same as in every PCI card from PEAK. I updated the inf file. Here are my steps: 1. Include right VendorID into the *.inf file 2. Disable Windows driver check (Disable WHQL check). This you need because 3S driver is not certified. You will find steps via google or ask chatgpt :) 3. Select: Select driver from a list and navigate to the folder. Say yes to install an uncertified driver. 4. Driver installed and device without errors I did the same with...
Hi, This is with Combivis Studio. I thought you need a license from KEB to create a boot project.
Dear @gseidel, Thank you for your response. I will be looking forward to the release of new version. Best Regards, Imdat
Hi Imdat, thanks for your effort! We could reproduce the error and will fix it in the next release ( Best regards, Georg
Hi @tk096, Thank you for your response. Here is example project file and some screenshot for your analysis regarding this matter. In order to reproduce the problem on your side and make it independent of the hardware, I simulated the encoder counter incrementally for the master in this example. I configured a virtual axis as the slave motion axis. The problem occurs in the same way in the real hardware configuration (servo drive connected to Ethercat and hardware incremental encoder) in MC_CamIn....