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Upload program

  • rdtechie - 2010-01-25

    Can you upload an existing program from a wago 750-842 plc.

    If so how?


    JAPIB - 2010-01-31

    You can upload a program from any CoDeSys PLC only if the source code has been loaded before.

    To upload a program, do :

    File -> Open -> Open project from PLC. CoDeSys then asks you to define the TArget, and after to define Communication Parameters.

    To download the source code you can do : Online -> Sourcecode download.

    You can automate this by roject -> Options -> Source download

    Hoping to be helpful

  • aljack - 2010-08-19

    JAPIB hat geschrieben:
    You can upload a program from any CoDeSys PLC only if the source code has been loaded before.
    To upload a program, do :
    File -> Open -> Open project from PLC. CoDeSys then asks you to define the TArget, and after to define Communication Parameters.
    To download the source code you can do : Online -> Sourcecode download.
    You can automate this by roject -> Options -> Source download
    Hoping to be helpful

    Hello JAPIB,

    Your way to extract the program from the WAGO PLC seems to be real good!
    I got a 750-843 PLC from WAGO and tried your upload instructions.
    My program funtionnality was first tested functional running online.
    The IP address is good to, I can access the PLC setting HTML page by tapping the IP into the web browser.
    But I couldn't open/extract the program from my PLC.
    The following popup appear: SourceCode Could Not Be Read

    Thank you


    JAPIB - 2010-08-19

    Are you sure that the source code is really loaded ?
    When you load the program and that you test it, you do not load automatically the source code (only if you automate this by roject -> Options -> Source download).

    Best regards

  • aljack - 2010-08-20

    JAPIB hat geschrieben:
    Are you sure that the source code is really loaded ?
    When you load the program and that you test it, you do not load automatically the source code (only if you automate this by roject -> Options -> Source download).
    Best regards

    Hello JAPIB,

    Yeah I thing your right, the source code wasn't been loaded correctly I guess.
    I tried to load it with Project -> Options -> Source download, but it barely change the previews reaction.
    Except for this, when I tried to upload the program with File -> Open -> Open project from PLC;
    It shown a popup '' Load Project from PLC: (number increasing) '' and then the popup '' SourceCode Could Not Be Read '' appear.
    To get this I checked the '' Source Code Only '' in '' Extend '' section of Source Download.

    So I thied to manually download the source code. Online -> SourceCode Download
    But it shown the following message:
    The last online service has not been executed correctly!
    Servive number:48 error number: 80
    File 'Source.dat' could not be written.

    Why the source code seem to not load?

    Thank you &
    Best Regards

  • Avgur - 2010-08-23

    Maybe your wago 750-842 doesn't have enough memory for saving the project files. See technical data for your PLC:

    Program memory 128 Kbyte
    Data memory 64 Kbyte

    ``` I can suggest you uploading files manually but 750-842 has no communication protocols except modbus and http.


    JAPIB - 2010-08-23

    Avgur your idea is good.
    The worst is that some PLC do not have storage space for backup source code.
    You should check the documentation for your API or ask your dealer.

  • aljack - 2010-09-03

    JAPIB hat geschrieben:
    Avgur your idea is good.
    The worst is that some PLC do not have storage space for backup source code.
    You should check the documentation for your API or ask your dealer.

    Yeah your right JAPIB!
    I ask my WAGO dealer and he confims as you say, that this particular PLC (750-843) don't have storage space for backup source code. So that's why I wasn't able to upload it.

    In the future when I'll get a PLC that could store this source code, well I'll know what to do!
    Thank you for your support and good advice.

    Thank you all!

  • shooter - 2010-10-08

    not any codesys is uploadable, due to the fact it is compiled in the computer.
    however it is possible to save the source code too on some plc.

    with older plc it is always a big problem to get the source.
    i still like very old ones they do store the source and do interpret this, it is slower, and number crunching is difficult.

  • dakshakrd45 - 2024-03-26

    when im trying to read/upload program from 1000nexgien plc its showing - The upload directory 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Messung Systems\CoDeSys V2.3\Upload\PLCCONF\' already contains configuration files (*.cfg).

    These will be deleted now to be able to proceed.

    what should i do please help!

  • ademarvribeiro - 2024-05-01

    Hello. in my experience, always click "Yes to all" to prevent error when go online.
    in this way, do you granted the infomation about hardware are the same, and dont lose " PLC configuration" for example.


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