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What wrong with FB SMC_Interpolator?

  • getdone - 2021-06-04

    I ran a X-Y gantry using codesys CNC.
    All codes and setting were same, except of feeding speed. And in a low speed, the SMC_Interpolator ran well with a continuous piSetPosition output; but when the speed exceeded a certain value, the piSetPosition changed stepply, showed in the attached picture.

    I tried several tests, here are the results:
    When cycle time was 1ms, the feeding speed <5 mm/s, ran smoothly. And speed > 5 mm/s, ran stepply.
    When cycle time was 2ms, the feeding speed <15 mm/s, ran smoothly. And speed >15 mm/s, ran stepply.
    When cycle time was 4ms, the feeding speed <30 mm/s, ran smoothly. And speed >30 mm/s, ran stepply.

    I cannot find why this happened? Some calculation wrong in the FB SMC_Interpolator?


    Last edit: getdone 2021-06-04
  • xabier - 2024-04-30

    hi Getdone

    I have the same problem with you...Could resolved this problem??

    Can you move with more speed??...

    I have cicle time 1 ms and the moment increase speed >5mm/s the FB SMC_Interpolator not fine work....Tell me plese if you resolved this problem




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