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Text size suddenly changed

  • budd7566 - 2023-12-09

    Iv been working with a Deep Sea Electronics DSE840 for about 6 months. I have a development version of my program working with a state machine and a basic gui interface. I went to implement CAN and suddenly the text on the gui on the controller is much larger than before. I could flash old versions of my project and the text was the correct size, but if i renamed the project file, the text displayed would be large. The visualization in CODESYS always shows the expected size, but not the controller. I did a fresh install of CODESYS and even a new project with only one text box, I cant get the text size on the controller to match what is displayed in codesys to match.
    Any advice?

  • kislov - 2023-12-13

    Hi. Π‘an I ask you to post this DSE CODESYS PACKAGE?


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