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Reading/Writing UDP packets

  • s45er - 2021-11-20

    Hello, I am making the project, where gateway with UDP packet forwarder, connected to PLC. The gateway sends the data each minute using UDP to PLC controller, so gateway is initializer of communication. I looked up on OSCAT net library, but this does not suits me, since two blocks are required on both PLC to use UDP.

    Does someone has a project utilizing UDP communication, which can be used for PLC and gateway communication ?

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2021-11-20


    • s45er - 2021-11-20

      Thank you for advise. Will try.

    • s45er - 2021-11-20

      Checked the block, may be I have stupid question but how to enable the block, choose read/write option and how to select UDP ? I see in VAR list it is possible to select UDP option, but it internal variables, cant modify them.

  • s45er - 2021-11-20

    Sorry for many questions, can it be that this library suits only for limited PLC's, like plc 841 ? Meaning not all PLC are supported by OSCAT network library.


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