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bits into Byte

  • mawaloc - 2022-11-17

    on codesys 2.3;
    I'm trying to find out how to combine different datas into One bytes.
    Seems to be "easy" on codesys 3.5 , but can't find solution on 2.3 as per datatype bit is unknow on 2.3

    thanks for your help


  • edwin200000 - 2022-11-25

    Hello Mawaloc,

    Will a function block that shove 8 bits in a byte help? See my photo
    Then you need to download the Util libary and add this library to your libaries in your library.
    Than you have this funtion block. Just add a block and name it PACK.
    I have add the util lib in the attachments.

    Hope this helps


  • mawaloc - 2022-11-28

    ThankYou Edwin.

    Forget to reply, but I had info ( same as you) few days after.
    It's work like that regards


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