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How to copy a folder from USB with Codesys 2.3.9?

  • jakaba - 2021-04-27

    Hey all,

    I'm working with the XSOFT-Codesys 2.3.9 and need some help.

    Is there any solution how i can copy a directory(folder) from a USB-Stick to the internal storage (CF-Card) of the PLC? I saw something about sysprocess to run a script (what i cant find under help text) and something about the "syslibfile" and "syslibdir" librarys. If i am right, these can be used to copy one file, but not to copy the whole folder with all files inside.

    I am very grateful for any help to solve my problem.


  • jakaba - 2021-04-27

    oh, i'm sorry, i open the topic in the wrong Forum. How can i delete it?


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