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"Wrapping" rungs in LD?

  • skyefire - 2021-01-27

    Stupid question: is there a way to "wrap" long rungs of LD, the way you can in RS-Logix? Or get long contact/variable labels to wrap? I've been assigned to "transcribe" an RS-Logix program into CodeSys (3.5.16), and the 40-character+ variable names I'm stuck with mean that my rungs spread wider than my 30in monitor when I go over 4-5 contacts/coils. Or I'm stuck shrinking everything to the point my old eyes can't read the text. And constantly side-scrolling is really hampering my throughput.

  • Morberis

    Morberis - 2021-01-28

    If you look in the options - FBD, LD and IL editor you will find an option for fixed size for operand fields.

    It won't allow you to wrap rungs but it will help things from growing too wide. You won't be able to see the full variable name anymore though if it exceeds the operand length.

  • skyefire - 2021-01-29

    Ah! Not all I'd hoped for, sadly, but it still helps. Thank you!

  • sgronchi - 2021-01-29

    Same window, in the LD tab there is the "Networks with line breaks" option, which makes Codesys wrap rungs.

    It is a bit ugly, though.

  • skyefire - 2021-02-01

    Strange... The "fixed size for operands", setting the character length and number of lines, works. But checking the "Networks with line breaks" option has no effect. Even restarting CodeSys doesn't make it take effect (and I checked, the "line breaks" option is still checked after the restart).

    This user interface is odd...

  • sgronchi - 2021-02-02

    It seems strange. It keeps the length it had at the opening zoom level, but mine start to work just after resizing.

    Maybe your monitor is still too large? It will wrap only if does not fit horizontally.

  • skyefire - 2021-02-03

    Well, after experimenting a little, it looks like the "line breaks" option interacts oddly with the "zoom" setting -- on a rung with only a few contacts, but looong variable names making the rung longer (turning off the "fixed size for operand fields" option for this test), the "line break" didn't make the rungs "wrap" until I added enough contacts that the contacts themselves made the rung too wide.

    Ah, well, I can work around this. Thanks, everyone, you really saved my eyballs! πŸ˜„


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