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EtherCAT Issue.

  • franciscovalle - 2020-05-26

    I'm facing a issue regarding CodeSys and my SoftPLC configuration and help would be great.

    I'm trying to get field signals from inductive sensors, with an EtherCAT ID ESAWARE 9386, and then used them with a HMI+SoftPLC EW112AB (Esaware).

    The problem I'm facing is that when i add a device, (EtherCAT master), i get 37 error messages, i tought it was a missing library, i downloaded the ioDRv... missing library but the problem continues.

    Images attached and the file of my testing project. (I need 24 field signals that do the same).


    Last edit: franciscovalle 2020-05-26
  • ph0010421 - 2020-05-26

    If your PLC runtime is 3.5.6 then the ethercat library needs to be this version (or the latest version, without exceeding)

    • franciscovalle - 2020-05-26

      Thanks for the answer, sorry I'm kind of new to CodeSys, how do i Downgrade the library to 3.5.6.?

  • franciscovalle - 2020-05-26

    Thanks for the answer, sorry I'm kind of new to CodeSys, how do i Downgrade the library to 3.5.6?

  • ph0010421 - 2020-05-27

    Use the matching IDE then 'update device' on the ethercat master and you should be able to select the best version.
    Alternatively, the PLC vendor should have a project archive with their preferred versions of libraries. Extract this to a new project and then their libraries will magically appear so you can select them.


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