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Modbus RTU FC05

  • johndoe67 - 2022-07-18

    I'm looking for an example how to implement a Modbus RTU request FC05 Write Single Coil.
    Maybe someone has such an example? Maybe with other writing requests?
    Thanks in advance and best regards.

  • johndoe67 - 2022-07-19

    Hello i-campbell,
    Thanks a lot for the link to the examples.
    But my problem is in the detail when using the FC05 Write Single Coil.
    Probably I haven't described it sufficiently. I have now attached some screenshots and a, I hope sufficient explanation.

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2022-07-19

    here are two examples of ways you can access the coil. The 0xFF00 detail has been abstracted by the library.

  • johndoe67 - 2022-07-20

    Thanks again. I think I'm already that far.
    But it seems that not only the library abstracted the detail 16#FF00?
    I still don't know how to send with FC05 in one Byte...


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