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Handling Branches in LD

  • skyefire - 2021-01-27

    I'm stuck banging my head against the wall for inserting branches into LD rungs. I eventually figured out a way to add a branch working from right to left, though that seems awfully clunky. But I've been totally unable to find a better way to do it. Trying to branch from left to right, using the Branch Below button, leaves me with no way to "close" the branch back into the rung.

    But now, even that won't work for me. I try to add a branch the same way that's been working for me all day, but now CodeSys throws an error at me: "Cannot perform this operation", with nothing to hint at why it can't. There's nothing wrong with the rung, it builds fine w/o the branch.

    I've attached a screenshot of my attempt. The branch should run from the far left rail (red square) to re-merge 4 contacts down (the hilighted blue square). I've tried doing it left-to-right, and right-to-left, and get nothing but the error message every time.


  • gatto

    gatto - 2021-01-28

    Hi, for me it work !
    First i click between the contact and the left side, after i click the button add branches and i have the some light blue square. So i can click on it and realize the parallel.
    A workaround is click on first contact, right click and insert contact parallel (below) so you have two contact in parallel and after select with shift+click the second contact, the third, and son on, and with mouse, move it on green diamond near the first contact.

  • gatto

    gatto - 2021-01-28

    Just one thing... for me when i click between first contact and left side, the orange square is on the middle, not like your screenshot

  • skyefire - 2021-01-28

    When creating a branch, I don't get light blue squares. And shift-clicking on multiple contacts doesn't give me any diamonds.

    Is there some UI setting I have wrong here?

  • gatto

    gatto - 2021-01-28

    I don't think is a setting of UI.
    About light blue squares i see it, like on my first image.
    About select a group of contact, like you see in my second image, the group is pink, then i click it and with mouse i drag the group near first contact.
    When i drag the diamonds appear.
    This on codesys 3.5.12 and 3.5.16
    Is your UI pure codesys or a customization of some brand ?

  • skyefire - 2021-01-29

    Pure CodeSys, downloaded direct from their website.

    I'm still having issues with branches, but I've stumbled my way into some methods that are probably quite poor, but are working for me for the time being. I'll have to do more experimenting when I have some more free time. Thanks for the help, everyone.


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