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Minor Cat-tastrophe

  • rickj - 2021-05-16

    My kitty, Coquito, aspires to be a programmer and likes to push the keyboard keys and chase my mouse. While I was away from the computer he took the opportunity for practice. Now the IDE is displaying symbols for white space characters. I don't know how to turn this off. I keep asking him what he did to make it this way but he won't talk. ;)

    Surely it must be something very simple to do. Can someone here give me a clue? ;)

  • rickj - 2021-05-16

    Thanks. Me and kitty appreciate your help very much.

  • dkugler - 2021-05-17

    greetings and big thanks to your kitty! I searched for this option some time ago at Tools/Options/Texteditor and can't find it, only found to show end of line characters 😁


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