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Visu of floatting Number UDINT

  • mawaloc - 2022-05-24


    I'm trying to visualize a flatting Number from a UDINT.
    to explain better . I 've a UDINT (32 bit) that could go until 4 294 967 295
    My undersdanding was that convert it TO REAL then divide to 1000. And so it would be possible to show 4294967.295.
    In fact it's not possible , I understand now why, but looking to see how it's possible.
    => UDINT Values is "mm" values, and looking to convert in "m" values.

    Thanks you

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2022-05-24

    try TO_LREAL it should fit in a 64 bit floating point


    Last edit: i-campbell 2022-05-24
  • mawaloc - 2022-05-24

    Thank You!!
    LREAL Not supported with screen I use.
    I will investigate with Display supplier.


  • mawaloc - 2022-05-25

    Hi, Just to said I get it, by using string functions

    thanks you


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