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Force Text List Download Without VisuManager

  • nothinrandom - 2020-07-03

    So I am using the text list as a lookup dictionary in a library. I am using the function DynamicTextGetDefaultText to get index value from the text list. Some things that I noticed so far:

    1) DynamicTextGetDefaultText requires an additional scan cycle to be able to read out the text.
    2) You must have a visu manager in your project in order to download the text list to reference it. Else, the return string will be empty.

    My question is that if it is possible to somehow download this file into the controller and be referenced if the project does not use VisuManager?


  • nothinrandom - 2020-07-11

    loraul10, I decided to place the array into a global variable lists and called that instead. This way, we can guarantee that the data is always available. I was really bummed out when I noticed this was not available. Hopefully, SP17 can address this and allow you to download text list from library without using Visu Manager


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