marin - 2020-10-24

Hi There, i am new to forum which i found while tring to solve next. Anyway I am using codesys with Machine Control Studio for Unidrive inverters and MCI PLC for motion control.
I have some simple application where i need some king of ramp when value is changed. So if number is 20 and someone preset 40, so that it ramps to 40..... Perfect thing is to use SLEW FB and it works ok when i try just to use it without other fb's. But, with rest of simple code just like in picture I always get EXCEPTION "DINT/INT division invalid". I tried dividing all kind of variables line DINT/DINT, DINT/INT and it works, until SLEW fb is added to ramp it. Again, when i just remove SLEW fb and leave rest, it works ok.
Is there something I miss?
