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IIoT > Mail_Service_SL

  • rpostwvu - 2021-06-18

    Trying to send email from Codesys and I see many people asking, but 0 examples, and 0 solutions.

    I'm using MailServiceSL, Codesys 3.5.17
    I've tried hitting Gmail via ports 587, 465 and 25 with TLS and STD. They all timeout. I am able to hit them with Telnet from same PC. I've tried hitting my companies mail server with port 25, and I always get error 5023. Telnet works on that server.

    Does this library not work without licensing?

  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2021-06-18

    Does this library not work without licensing? -> Yes it does work, but in demo mode the software runs for 30 minutes without a license. After that, a manual restart is required.


    • rpostwvu - 2021-06-18

      Well I can run the Control Win V3 x64 and it immediately doesn't work. So there must be another issue. The link you send says there's example code, but I've never been able to find it.

    • rpostwvu - 2021-06-18



      Last edit: rpostwvu 2021-06-18
  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2021-06-18

    Per default all examples shipped in a .package are installed here;

    The Mailservice help and example are installed here;
    C:\Users[InsertYourComputerAccountHere]\Mail Service SL\

    Additionally you can access all examples very easily via the new "CODESYS Installer" which ships with SP17. If you haven't checked it out yet, please do as it makes obtaining examples and different installation versions at the same time on a single PC easier! :-)


    Last edit: hermsen 2021-06-18
    • rpostwvu - 2021-06-21

      I found the example, and was able to strip it down until no errors and finally got it to work. Turns out my original solution was simply missing the Email_Send.sMailFrom being set. Port 465 and TLS encryption also for those who are trying.


      Last edit: rpostwvu 2021-06-21

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