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String comparison

  • raml - 2020-04-01

    Hi everybody,
    I have a curiosity about the string comparison. I'm using the = operator to compare strings in one of my function block. The question is: How much the performances change compare to a comparison of an integer?
    Thank you very much.
    Best regards

  • raml - 2020-04-03

    thank you very much for your answer.

    Just one more thing, do you strictly recommend to reduce the use of string comparison or because nowadays the cpu are very powerful so the time for string comparison is also negligible?

    Thank you.
    Best regards

  • m.prestel - 2020-04-03

    it is always a good idea to only do things if you need to do them ;)

    Best regards,

    • raml - 2020-04-03

      yeah clear.

      Thank you very much,
      Best regards


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