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Watch window mixed Display Mode formats

  • Ulvis

    Ulvis - 2020-08-17

    How do I mix multipple display modes (i.e. decimal, hex , binary) for individual symbols in the watch windows?
    (or is it only a common setting for all symbols????)


    Last edit: Ulvis 2020-08-17
  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2020-08-17

    It is a common setting for all symbols.
    However you can use an attribute pragma to set it specifically for each variable. Not as useful I know, because you have to set it on download, you can't just "oh, I want to see this in binary now.. ok now in hex..."
    use attribute pragmas to set display mode per symbol

  • Ulvis

    Ulvis - 2020-08-17

    Well, better than nothing...
    {attribute 'displaymode':=<displaymode>}
    The following definitions are possible
    Binary format
    {attribute 'displaymode':='bin'}
    {attribute 'displaymode':='binary'}
    Decimal format
    attribute 'displaymode':='dec'}
    {attribute 'displaymode':='decimal'}
    Hexadecimal format
    {attribute 'displaymode':='hex'}
    attribute 'displaymode':='hexadecimal'}"

    What about display mode format 'ipv4address' ? (yes, a suggestion. Not all of us want to read hex allways...)


    Last edit: Ulvis 2020-08-17

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