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Codesys Programming with Embedded Linux on iMX6 CPU

  • necati - 2021-09-11


    We have an industrial IO controller based on Embedded Linux and iMX6 with ARM processor. We want to program IO controller via Codesys. I see some applicaiton with Raspberry Pi, but they are using ready to use package. Is there any compatible Codesys package for our processor? To program our controller, how do we go forward? Could you give advices? Best regards..

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-09-11

    Linux Arm SL should fit I guess...for iMX6

  • necati - 2021-09-11

    Is there any additional software requirement on Linux side to recognize of our controller's IOs by Codesys? I could not find any example about Linux Arm SL. If anyone have, could you please share.


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