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Unable to add SDO to a device

  • andyfox - 2020-02-26

    I have a project containing a single application with four CAN buses. I have a CANopen Manager associated with each bus, and several devices associated with each Manager. For all but one of the devices, when I go to the "SDOs" tab I can select "Add SDO" from the list of commands above the SDOs.

    I was able to add SDOs when I initially added the device, but can no longer do so.

    In addition, there are several items on the General tab that cannot be selected for this module. For example, "Optional device", "Check product number" and "Check revision number" cannot be changed for this module.

    I have been unable to find out what makes this device different from the others. Has anybody else seen this behavior?

    IMG: CannotEditSdo.PNG

    IMG: CanEditSdo.PNG

  • andyfox - 2020-04-01

    I was able to work around this problem by quitting and restarting Codesys.


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