mareszym - 2020-05-27

I try to read Alarm Class from Alarm Storage by this code, of course in the beginning I define AlarmManagerClient, etc.

AlarmManager.g_AlarmHandler.GetAlarmsFromStorage( ...... );

FOR i:=0 TO iCountRowsFromHistory-1
itfIAlarm := arritfAlarmsFromHistoryAll[i];
itfAlarmClass := itfIAlarm.GetAlarmClass();

but itfAlarmClass is always 0 so I can't use itfIAlarm.GetAlarmClass().GetName() method

The rest of Alarm elements like timestamps, message, latchvalues, etc. have proper values.

Same behavior I see in simulation AlarmManager examle app from Codesys Store and in real environment with Wago PFC200 controller.
Maybe someone knows where is the problem and how to read proper itfAlarmClass value ?
