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Issue after upgrading to a PI4

  • sloob - 2021-05-29

    Hi, I've recently upgraded from a PI2 to a Pi4 and I cannot get my program working. At first I just swapped the SD card from the PI2 to PI4 and the program ran for a few seconds and then crashed.
    I later reinstalled PI os and upgraded the runtime/device(in codesys) to version 4. but my program won't compile and gives me the following error:

    [ERROR]         raspberry pi peripherals, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): C0521:  The library "raspberry pi peripherals, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh)" was created with the unknown compiler version "". 
  • mrbrave - 2021-09-09

    I have encountered this problem if the runtime is updated but the project setting is still set to a specific compiler version. Check under "Project Settings > Compile options" and make sure the project settings matches your compiler version (IDE version).


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