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raspberry 4B Softmotion

  • wusuowei - 2021-04-21

    IDE: package:4.0.1 and IDE: package:
    I used the Raspberry Pi 4B to control the EtherCAT servo. For the first time, I could control the normal communication. After disconnection, I could not scan the device
    All tests are like this. What is the problem? Thank you!

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-04-21

    Check the PLC logger...If no connection ist possible by cat /tmp/codesyscontrol.log in the Pi by SSH .
    Maybe add the IP of the Pi as Gateway to Login...(add new Gateway in CODESYS)


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2021-04-21
    • wusuowei - 2021-04-22

      Hello, my login is normal and my operation of GPIO is normal, except when scanning EtherCAT servo, it can be scanned when all devices are disconnected occasionally
      Normal scan, most of the time can not scan, do not know what the problem?Servo is OK, I test with other Codesys controller
      No problem.

    • wusuowei - 2021-04-22

      Hello, my login is normal and my operation of GPIO is normal, except when scanning EtherCAT servo, it can be scanned when all devices are disconnected occasionally
      Normal scan, most of the time can not scan, do not know what the problem?Servo is OK, I test with other Codesys controller
      No problem.


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