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Populate Array using the FOR instruction

  • dsanow92 - 2021-04-13

    I am trying to populate a large number of variables that looks like this.

    GVL.HMITags.MasterPortStatus[1]:= MasterStatusPort1;
    GVL.HMITags.MasterPortStatus[2]:= MasterStatusPort2;
    GVL.HMITags.MasterPortStatus[3]:= MasterStatusPort3;
    GVL.HMITags.MasterPortStatus[4]:= MasterStatusPort4;
    GVL.HMITags.MasterPortStatus[5]:= MasterStatusPort5;
    GVL.HMITags.MasterPortStatus[6]:= MasterStatusPort6;
    GVL.HMITags.MasterPortStatus[7]:= MasterStatusPort7;
    GVL.HMITags.MasterPortStatus[8]:= MasterStatusPort8;

    I'm looking to simplyfy my code by using the FOR loop but how do I change the MasterStatusPortX
    It should look something like what I have below but how do I attach that last tag using the "i" variable also

    FOR i := 1 TO 8 DO
    GVL.HMITags.MasterPortStatus[i]:= MasterStatusPort??

  • dumpfbacke - 2021-04-14

    in my opinion you have to make array of "MasterStatusPort" too.

    FOR i := 1 TO 8 DO
    GVL.HMITags.MasterPortStatus[i]:= MasterStatusPort[i]


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