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CODESYS Installer - error 403

  • kislov - 2022-03-18


    In the last few days I have been getting error 403 in CODESYS Installer on Browse tab.
    Also it doesn't show available updates in the Updates tab even though the main window shows that there are.

    This shows up on several PCs in different cities, so I don't think it's a problem with the network settings (firewall, etc.).

    Has anyone seen the same error?

  • Moderator3S

    Moderator3S - 2022-04-01

    Due to the embargo of Russia by Germany we are no longer allowed to deliver software to Russia.
    For this reason IP-addresses located in Russia are blocked by the deployment server of CODESYS.
    We will release the block when the embargo is stopped by the German government.

    • kislov - 2022-04-01

      Thank you for information.

      If you allow me to express my opinion - it would be better to show this information in CODESYS Installer GUI in order to explain to the user that it is an intentional justified blocking and not technical problems of the user's network.

  • Strucc.c

    Strucc.c - 2022-04-01

    Yeah... Maybe a simple "Your IP address is blocked" message without any explanation would be sufficient, so that we know to turn on VPN... :) (or turn it off)

    By the way, what's the situation with Automation server, and remote access features? Is it still
    possible to communicate with devices in the region?

    However, I hope all this disaster will end soon, and we can return "being international"...


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