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Git does not seem to support Safety program?

  • tanelihei - 2023-01-13

    Something is wrong with Codesys git and safety extensions. After building a safety application with safety IO for Beckhoff EL6910 (tested and working) the pulled project tree for SafetyApp is corrupted. Basically, the project will break.

    Workaround is to make an export of the safety program and attach it to the project folder in the repository. After each pull, the safety app needs to be imported to replace to broken safety app. Additionally, the project needs to be Saved As new project. Annoying af.

  • yohayr - 2023-05-24

    I encounter in the same problem. the work around is helpful but I need to find real solution to this problem.
    Dose anyone here know something about it and can help us?


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