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Codesys Installation Error

  • necati - 2021-09-10

    I got error as attached image, while installing Codesys After installation completed, Codesys could not be opened. Could you please help me?

  • necati - 2021-09-13

    I guess, this error is related with Codesys version. I get the errors while installing Codesys (x64), but I didn't get the same errors while installing Codesys As a result, has been successfully installed.

    Is there anyone who get the same error on (x64)?

  • elbandolero - 2021-10-06

    I have installation errors. It's "compatibility package could not be installed". After that it tried to install compatibility package but it send me a error again. Lasty installation is finish but it doesnt open.
    Error Message: the installiton is corruped, executing it would result in unpredictable behaviour.
    Can you help me?

  • mfinocchiaro - 2021-12-05

    i have a similar issue. my CODESYS installation started crashing with that same eror and now I cannot even reinstall it. has no one figured this one out?

  • necati - 2022-03-01

    I had this error and newer versions. Operating system was Windows 10 Turkish. After I try with Windows 10 English, it has installed successfully.

  • mr337 - 2023-06-20

    I ran into same issue. Just updated the Codesys Automation plugin and now Codesys refuses to start.

    Error Message: the installation is corrupted, executing it would result in unpredictable behavior.


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