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How to reset a SFC?

  • yann2021 - 2021-06-18

    I would like to reset to the INIT step a SFC. For this I found the differents available Flags :
    In my case I would like to use "SFCReset" so I activated this Flag in the SFC properties > SFC Settings.
    Now I would like to activate the reset with a simple push button. Unfortunately when I asign the flag SFCReset to a coil I have a compil error:

    C0037:  'SFCReset' is no input of 'GRF7_proc'

    It seems this flag is only an output... not what I want. So how can I reset a SFC with a simple push button?

    In advance many thanks for your reply.


    Last edit: yann2021 2021-06-18
  • RasPi-User - 2021-06-18

    you have to declare 'SFCReset' in the VAR_INPUT section of your FB 'GRF7_proc'. A little snipet from my FB 'Bohren'

    • yann2021 - 2021-06-20

      Hello Reinhard,
      I did it but still have this error message "'SFCReset' is no input of 'GRF7_proc'" :-(


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