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CAA File library missing

  • epinikion

    epinikion - 2021-06-18


    I'm trying to implement a small program to log data on an old project (done on CodeSys V3.5 SP10 Patch 2). But whenever I try to load the "File Access" library (or just CAA File) I get the error "has not been installed on the system".

    Is this CodeSys version too old maybe? Can I download the library somewhere and install it manually?

    Best regards


  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2021-06-21

    No, the library cannot be dowloaded seperatly, but a google search may help out.

    There are several ways to get you on your way, but the most simplest way I know is to download the latest CODESYS version SP17. If you install it be sure to install the new CODESYS Installer along with it.

    With help of this installer you can run more installation veersions of CODESYS simultaneous on a single machine. So you could install SP10 with (if it is available through the installer though)

    help about this new feature is found here;


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