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Modbus TCP Slave via dynamic DNS

  • tcave42 - 2021-02-23

    Is it possible to run an Modbus TCP connection to a device that is offsite on a different network via a dynamic DNS like for example DuckDNS?

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2021-02-23

    In Library Manager, add the Net Base Services library.
    In your program declare a variable of type NBS.ResolveHostname
    Call this instance to resolve the hostname.


    Last edit: i-campbell 2021-02-23
    • tcave42 - 2021-02-23

      thank you for your reply, I'm still not having any luck, could you make an example?

      • i-campbell

        i-campbell - 2021-02-24
            instResolveHostname : NBS.ResolveHostname;
            xResolved: BOOL;
            xResolve: BOOL;
            myIP: NBS.IPv4Address;
            myIPInterface : NBS.IIPAddress := myIP;
            TheIPYouAreLookingFor: UDINT;
            xExecute:= xResolve, 
            udiTimeOut:= 10_000_000, //10sec timeout
            xDone=> xResolved, 
            sHostname:= 'www.codesys.com', 
            itfIPAddress:= myIPInterface
        TheIPYouAreLookingFor := myIP._udiIPAddress;

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