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Setup multiple ethercat divice on a switch

  • r3dflyter - 2021-06-03

    I work with synapticon nodes and they are in tow or more system.
    In each system they are in serial connection on overcast and it works fine.

    But I want a common controller for them so I plug my controller and my system with a switch but I could not manage to connect to both at the same time:
    -If I plug, one on the switch it work
    -If I plug a second one I don't see any devices on the Ethernet master scan

    I suppose that as the addresses are automatically atribute (as 1001 for the first in line, then 1002...) and I can't change those, when I plug two line of devices the addresses are in conflict.
    One little work around I found is to have tow ethercat master, but it only works with tow as I have only 2 at the port.
    I try to put both on the same port, but the first one open it and the second one can't (which is logical).

    I'm out of idea to make it work, so if anyone has a hint I'll gladly accept it.


    Last edit: r3dflyter 2021-06-03
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-06-04

    this does not work with a switch,
    you need to have for example:
    but why not just connect your slaves all in one row, daisy chain?

    • r3dflyter - 2021-06-04

      Hi thanks for the anser
      I can't just daisy chain them because they are in different subsystem and they are connected by a hybrid cable so I can't pass two cables to one of those sub system.

      I found a solution by re-wiring a splitter:
      and its work as a daisy chain


      Last edit: r3dflyter 2021-06-04

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