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AWS IoT Core Client SL not connecting to IOT broker

  • bizer - 2020-06-11

    Hello together,
    I'm trying to get a connection to the AWS IoT Cloud. I followed the steps in Product manual. Everything is configuerd as discriped so far.
    But I allways get a TCP_READ_ERROR. In the Log I get a SOCKET_SO_REUSEPORT Warning.
    Port should be fine and not blocked trough firewall etc. (nmap -p xxxxxxxx.iot.......).
    Any ideas were I could start? with raspberry


    Last edit: bizer 2020-06-11
  • bizer - 2020-06-11

    AWS Config

  • bizer - 2020-06-15

    Sorry for being pushy...no one tried the AWS IoT Core Client so far?

    • aliazzz

      aliazzz - 2020-06-15

      I use the MQTT client, it uses very similair design under the hood ;-).
      So far it works as expected for me. However, have you tried the example(s) provided with this library? If not, be sure to check those out!

  • bizer - 2020-06-16

    Hi i-campbell, Thanks for the detailed guideline. I didn't link the certificate to the policy and the object and didn't use the Starfield Root CA-Zertifikat.
    The rest was correct...but I still can't connect my PC nor the Raspberry to the IOT-Hub. I still have the TCP_READ_ERROR and in the Log file the SOCKET_SO_REUSEPORT Warning. Anything else which needs to be enabeled?

  • bizer - 2020-06-16

    Here an extraction (wireshark) from the Connecetion of my PC-PLC.

  • bizer - 2020-06-18

    So i reseted the Raspberry but still having the same issue. is there more I need to set up?

  • bizer - 2020-06-23

    And it works on WIN and Raspberry... There was a policy not set up right.
    Thanks to Ian


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