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Data source manager runs in demo mode

  • skalakope - 2022-05-05

    Dear All,

    I'm using Turck I/O module in my project, and I'm added it also to my project as a data source.
    My problem is, that the data source manager runs only in demo mode, but I do not know why.
    It causes problem, because it stops after 30 minutes.

    How can I run the data source manager in normal mode?

    Thank You in advance!

  • forest - 2022-08-29

    \Hi, did you solve this? I have similar issue with modbus tcp slave...

  • skalakope - 2022-08-29


    I can not say, it solved. As I remember, in my case the reason was, that too many varibales were added into Data Source. When I've reduced the number of variables, (only the necessaries, but not all), it worked well.

    I hope, it helps.


  • forest - 2022-08-29

    Thanks for answer. But I don't have too many variables.



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