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codesys "profiler" object reference not set to an instance of an object

  • aguado - 2023-01-04


    I want to use the Codesys Profiler to check my code coverage via the "instrumentation" feature. Whenever I do so and connect to my PLC (Win x64) I will get an error "object reference not set to an instance of an object". My application is running normally, but I am not able to see anything in the Profiler "Online" Tab.

    I tried the same with a demo project ( https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ag6VxIScKS7qhPh2j3BAWE8DZ8JWdw?e=QtP7eY ) and it works just fine. I am able to see the files in the "Online" Tab and there are no error messages.

    The error message hints to some kind of pointer issue. In my code, I am creating some objects dynamically, using the NEW() operator.

    Is it possible, that the Code Coverage Tool is not able to handle dynamic objects? If so, will this be fixed?
    Are there any other ideas on what the problem might be?

    Thanks for our help,



    Last edit: aguado 2023-01-24
  • aguado - 2023-01-11

    Any help here? Is this the right place to ask such a question?


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