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CODESYS Development System V3.5.18.30 Installation Error

  • swissguyinchile - 2022-12-04

    Hi, I had in my computer:
    CODESYS Development System V3.5.16.0
    CODESYS Development System V3.5.17.50

    And decided to install in parallel: V3.5.18.30

    While installing, I received the error of the image I enclose. I thought this could be due to the other versions that are on my computer.

    Opened the software and I can only select: Structured Text (ST), not FBD or SFC, that I use.

    I unistalled V3.5.16.0, rebooted computer. Uninstalled V3.5.17.50, rebooted computer. Went to Codesys Installer and on V3.5.18.30 clicked on "Repair". The software downloaded the 1.4GB from internet, run the process "hidden form my sight" and said it had finished successfully.

    Opened the software and "again" I can only select: Structured Text (ST).

    So, I used the CODESYS 64 I downloaded from Internet first. When double clicking, this time gave me the option to "Repair" so I executed it, and, during the installation, gave me the same error of the image I enclose.

    Opened the software and "again" I can only select: Structured Text (ST).

    Hope someone from CODESYS can help me. I can send the MSIbd2cc.LOG file that gives the installer should you require it.


  • swissguyinchile - 2022-12-05

    Hi everyone, just wanted to add, I opted to uninstall, and delete what I think is "everything". What I mean with this is that after uninstalling V3.5.18.30 and "CODESYS Installer" I manually deleted folders with the name: "CODESYS" under these folders:

    C:\Program Files (x86)
    C:\Users\JUAN STAUFFER\AppData\Roaming

    Then rebooted my computer and installed: CODESYS 64

    This time I could see the installer was doing much more things. Sadly, the same error as the image that appears above came at the end of the installation.

    When I opened the software, I only have the option to create a new standar project based on Structured Text (ST).

    I just disovered that the problem would be similar to:
    That is in discussion with users:

    Hope someone can help me.


    • swissguyinchile - 2022-12-05

      Link to @madskaizer did not work. I am including him now in lower case.

  • swissguyinchile - 2022-12-07

    Hi everyone, I have news for you.

    Don't know what the error code is, BUT, as I installed CODESYS version 3.5.18, if you go to CODESYS Installer, you click on "modify", then "Examine", and look for, for example, package "CODESYS LD/FBD" you can install Ladder and Function Block Languages.

    One of my friends told me that it seems that after version 3.5.17 you have to install languages separately, they don't come loaded by default.

    Hope this helps.


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