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GSDML file

  • leonardosantos - 2021-04-12

    How do I generate a GSDML file when I configure my CODESYS as device Profinet? The topology would be the use of two Codesys Runtimes, a Master and a device. Do you have an example?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-04-13

    export the GSDML from the device repository

  • leonardosantos - 2021-04-13

    According to the attached image, if you were unsuccessful in communicating, could you send a description?

  • leonardosantos - 2021-04-13

    According to the attached image, if you were unsuccessful in communicating, could you send a description?

  • spsdude - 2021-06-09

    Hi at all,
    I have a similar problem. The PN-controller is connected but the connect to the device fails. Perhaps there is a problem with the gsd from codesys because tiaportal ignores the generated one...
    Do you have an idea what is wrong?
    Thanks in advance for your help.


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