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Problem encountered in V16.1 Upgrade

  • rickj - 2020-08-16

    I opened and a previously existing project with V16.1 and selected the latest compiler version. I got the error message below instructing me to update the visualization profile.
    Does anyone have any idea how to do the update?

    This project is in the early stages and I'm the early stages of creating the basics from client's previous project. I could start from scratch without wrecking development but I would like to understand this situation better.


    Your current visualization profile does not work correctly with your current compiler version. Please update the visualization profile or decrease your compiler version
                    Compile complete -- 1 errors, 0 warnings
  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2020-08-16

    Menu Bar > Project > Project Settings > Visu Profile

  • rickj - 2020-08-16

    Thanks i-campbell, that was exactly it! Updated and everything ids all good...


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