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VFD Library

  • spiritcore - 2021-08-17

    What library should I use for VFD with Ethercat?
    I have Delta C2000 and I can't find the library that support VFD.

  • ph0010421 - 2021-08-21

    you need the ESI file from Delta.
    Then just add this device under the Ethercat master.
    I doubt there's a specific library for a VFD.

  • spiritcore - 2021-08-22

    I have the ESI file and I can set bits on the Ethercat in order to make it work I thouht maybe there's a library that can do the hard work instead like there is for a servo motor.
    Thank you!

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-08-22

    if it is a DS402 compliant drive you could add by rightclick in the device tree a Softmotion device then Ds402 generic driver is used.Either Softmotion light or Softmotion is then possible - with using plcopen fb's


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2021-08-22
  • spiritcore - 2021-08-22

    How do I check if it's DS402 compliant?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-08-24

    Just rightclick on your added device try to add SoftMotion or SoftMotion light device...
    In the ESI - ProfileNo should be 402.


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