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EtherCAT Raspberry Pi

  • aaron - 2021-10-27

    Hi all,

    I am working on etherCAT communication and have just started using CODESYS. I would like to know if it is possible to create a ethercat master using CODESYS on the PC and configure a raspberry PI as a slave device and setup a communication system between them. If yes, please guide me on how it can be realized.


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-10-28

    Hi Aron,
    without additional hardware it is not possble to have an EtherCAT Slave on Raspberry PI.


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2021-10-28
  • alrcastro

    alrcastro - 2021-10-31

    There are manufacturers specific Ethernet/EtherCAT adaptors, as for example the EK1100 from Beckhoff, which and at least with me worked fine. However you should be aware that since Raspberry PI has just 1 Ehternet port, you need an additional Ethernet port in order to have your PI-PLC connected with the LAN, and an USB/ETH adaptor did the job for me.

    • yann2021 - 2023-03-16

      Can't we use the Ethernet port on the Pi for the EtherCAT and the Wifi to communication with Codesys ?

  • makronaut - 2023-02-04

    Actually the connection between PC and Raspberry PI functions perfectly fine through WiFi.

  • alrcastro

    alrcastro - 2023-03-16

    Depending on the task configuration it won't work this way. I mean, the project I worked with, the time slice was 2ms for the fastest task, and the Wifi latency can easily reach and surpass this time. In other hand, if you are running a lightweight task for a bare interlock application, you can configure the task time slice for a mild value.


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