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Issue with Profinet Device - Truck HMI/PLC and Turck IO Module

  • pistola - 2021-02-14

    I'm having issues with my project, I've got a Turck TX207 HMI/PLC connected to 2 Turck BLCEN IO Modules. I've set individual names for both devices and unique IP addresses.

    I have a during the running of the system the devices disconnect and then reconnect. I get the following errors for both devices:

    81813F02 - DNS unknown RealStationName
    CF81FD05 - Connection aborted: AR consumer DHT expired

    I have the send clock set to 4ms and reduction ratio set to 16 which seems quite high already.

    It seems weird as they'll disconnect and then reconnect, however I'm assuming the devices are getting stopped by the watchdog, should I just continue to increase the reduction ratio and would that potentially prevent this issue?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • hence.persson - 2021-02-20

    Check the profinet task what is the worst case cycle time.

    Adapt the send clock and the watchdog.

    You can reduce the reduction ratio probably not that that is at fault.


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