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Raspberrypi Multicore not working?

  • snguyen - 2020-08-05


    I'm trying to use the raspberry pi Multicore, but it does not let me create tasks on different core.
    It says I don't have the license.

    What I did :
    - Task Configuration -> Add group = NewGroup on Core 1
    - Task Configuration -> add task to NewGroup

    I need the functionnality because I need to send email with a python script but the script takes 650ms and I don't want to block the rest of the program. Also, I'm not using the Mail functionnality of the IIoT library because it does not let me choose the TLS type, therefore it doesn't work with our servers.

    Is the Raspberry pi MC SL made for that purpose? If not, how does it work?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-08-05

    which version is it,
    Check by plcshell command If it is available...

    • snguyen - 2020-08-06

      Hi, I have a subsequent question on multicore.
      In the manual, it is stated :

      - Bit access (data type BIT) is not processed consistently on marker CPUs in the IEC program. For this we recommend that you use the external library function SysCpuTestAndSetBit() (for more details, see SysCpuHandling.library).
      - Simple data types up to a width of 32 bits (BIT, BYTE, WORD/INT, DWORD/DINT, etc.) are processed consistently in the IEC program on marker CPUs as well.

      So I was wondering what that meant.
      Does it mean that If I try to read a 32-bit variable on a core at the same time it is written on another core, the consistency of the information will be kept? (like a mutex?) and only if I try to access the BIT of the variable, it will not be consistent?

      is there a way to do mutex on shared variable between cores?

      Thank you.


      Last edit: snguyen 2020-08-06
  • snguyen - 2020-08-05

    It is

    MultiCore Info:
    -- MultiCore support: [activated], all cores are used
    -- Number of cores: 4

  • snguyen - 2020-08-05

    I've updated to and it works.


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