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Soft Container missing? ARM 64 SL (Docker)

  • simonbysmal - 2023-03-16

    Facing the same issue as in this thread: https://forge.codesys.com/forge/talk/Runtime/thread/91654aaa53/

    I am running Codesys Control ARM 64 SL in docker, everything seems fine except when it comes to adding a license.

    I am always prompted with the error stating that there is no dongle attached, even though I choose the soft container licensing; After closing the prompt no containers or licenses are found either.

    I have tried various different versions of the IDE to rule that out but to no avail..

    The codemeter runtime is running. All ports are configured and for testing purposes the container is privileged.

    Are there any official tested docker configurations for ARM 64 SL with dockerfiles?

    The only one I found here on is this: https://forge.codesys.com/tol/codesys-4-linux/docker/ci/master/tree/codesys-control/Dockerfile Which is not even installing & running the codemeter runtime which will not work!?


    Last edit: simonbysmal 2023-03-16
  • simonbysmal - 2023-03-27

    Solved (ish) The documentation does not mention that this is not possible.
    At least as of now, licensing the runtime is only possible using a codesys dongle when the runtime is running in docker!


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