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C Code Integration

  • intvenkat - 2023-02-24

    Hello everyone,
    I have to integrate C code files in codesys
    When I read the documentation it says to add C Code Module object to the Application tree
    But C code Module is not found when i right click the Application

  • mondinmr

    mondinmr - 2023-02-24

    All linux runtimes form 4.0 are released with Extension Package!
    You can use C/C++ integration. Inside package you can find examples.

  • intvenkat - 2023-03-07

    Actually , We are looking at a motion controller that supports codesys software, Could you please tell what exactly is the special license required


    Last edit: intvenkat 2023-03-07
  • kislov - 2023-03-07

    I think you should ask this question to sales team:


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