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Difference between CODESYS Control RTE x64 and CODESYS Control RTE V3 x64

  • totorovic - 2021-04-23


    I have installed on a Win 7 Pro x64 the product CODESYS Control RTE SL
    From https://store.codesys.com/softplc/codesys-control-rte-sl.html#System%20Requirements

    I cannot download a program to the runtime because there is a difference between my IDE and the installed runtime.

    On my Codesys IDE ( I only have CODESYS Control RTE V3 x64
    The runtime is seen by the gateway as CODESYS Control RTE x64

    What the difference between -V3 version and the other?
    How can I install CODESYS Control RTE V3 x64 on the runtime or how can I get the device CODESYS Control RTE x64 for my IDE?

    Thanks you for yor help.


    Last edit: totorovic 2021-04-23
  • totorovic - 2021-05-10

    Anybody knows the difference between CODESYS Control RTE V3 x64 and CODESYS Control RTE x64 ?

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2021-05-10

    They are the same.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-05-10

    it just need to fit - if you have Control RTE 64 in the project tree in CODESYS you could only login to Control RTE 64 target and vice versa.
    Sure on a Windows 32Bit system it is only possible to install RTE 32.
    So the Target system / Windows OS specify what you need to use.
    In your case just rightclick in your device tree in CODESYS and switch to Control RTE 64 by 'update device' and select Control RTE 64


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2021-05-10
  • totorovic - 2021-05-10

    Thank you both for reply.
    As you can see in the pictures 'IDE.png', I don't have the device you mentionned Control RTE 64 How can I get it?

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2021-05-10

    Target type / target ID must be the same, the name is not considered.

    Is there some error message you get or problem deecription?

  • totorovic - 2021-05-10

    Sorry, maybe my explanations were not clear.
    I understand that target type and target ID must be the same.
    I cannot fit them because the target type is not in my IDE list.
    When I do a right clic then Update, I have the following list ('IDE.png').

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2021-05-10

    In your IDE, CODESYS Control RTE V3 x64 should have the same Target Type (4096) and Target ID (0000 0022) as your online device.
    If not you can download one here.
    I recognise that the Target Names are not the same, but these are ignored for matching.

  • totorovic - 2021-05-10

    Last edit: totorovic 2021-05-10
  • totorovic - 2021-05-10

    It is solved.
    The version of the target was not the same.
    The V3 has no incidence.
    Thank you for your help.


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