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Is it planned Codesys support for RPI Orange Plus ?

  • alrcastro

    alrcastro - 2021-11-21

    The above general Linux Codesys SL licence costs 199 Euros whereas the specific one for Linux RPI is only 50 Euros, sadly. In this case it would be cheapest to consider plugging an USB/ETH device, despite the inconvenience of having one more stuff hanging on the board. Anyway, just to be up to date with the Codesys trends, do you know if it is planned to expand the Codesys support into the Raspberry portfolio ?

  • thecolonel26 - 2021-11-23

    I agree the Arm SL is way to expensive for its target hardware. There is no way I could ever justify that price on anything ARM based.

    People go to ARM for low costs, if the license cost as more or more than board you are using it's a NO GO.


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