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Codesys Control for Linux ARM SL vs Linux SL

  • yannickasselin - 2021-07-05


    I just noticed that the "Codesys Control for Linux ARM SL" is now available. I like the fact that you can "cherry pick" all the options you need instead of having almost all the options available like with "Linux SL". But I quickly realised that if you need the webvisu option, you already are at the same price point as going with "Linux SL" which comes with all the available fieldbuses.

    Are there any advantages with "Linux ARM SL" over "Linux SL"?

    Maybe one advantage I see is that the multicore option is included with "Linux ARM SL" when this is an option with "Linux SL". But other than that, are there any differences regarding realtime behaviors? Is one more suited to do motion over the other?

    It seems a little odd that you have to "cherry pick" the options you need but multicore is included with "Linux ARM SL" where on "Linux SL", multicore is an option but all the other bells and whistles are included! I guess there is a reason behind it?

    Thank you and I will certainly test it out very soon.

  • nothinrandom - 2021-07-18

    I believe one works for ARM architecture (Linux ARM SL), whereas the other works for AMD64 (Linux SL)... so they are not interoperable.


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