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Licence Codesys Linux procedure

  • Kampfwurst - 2020-03-26

    Hi, I have installed the Linux Software PLC on Debian. No i would like to activate the lic. how is the procedure? I have already the software key for the Codesys Linux MC SL but i cant find the way to set.

    Is it a problem if the Debian is not in the same network than my pc? Im connectet over VPN to this machine.

    Regards Chris

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-03-26

    You could simply plug the key to your CODESYS PC and activate by lincense.codesys.com in the Browser.


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2020-03-26
  • Kampfwurst - 2020-03-26

    I have no dongle. I have only the key. With the key i get an error

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-03-26

    Hi Chris,
    hm.. should work mabye more stable if you add a Gateway on Linux side ( install the Linux EdgeGateway from CODESYS store) and
    use this 'remote gateway' to activate the license.


  • Kampfwurst - 2020-03-26

    I have a fresh installation with Codesys 3.5. 15 Patch 4 on a fresh Windows 10 in the same network. So this should not be a problem. Over VPN it was not possible to finde the "Device" in the device manager (device reader) . I tried also there over TCP with the IP and port. I cant finde the device. In the "communication" tab i can set the IP and then i can reach the device.

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2020-03-26

    There is a trick to getting him to show up in license manager over a VPN or other network, where scan doesn't work as UDP broadcasts don't go through.
    1. Tools > Options > Device Editor > Communication Page > Classic Mode.
    2. Double click your device in the device tree and go to communications tab which is now in classic mode.
    3. Hit the add device button and type in his IP address. Hit OK.
    4. He now is in the communication tree with the word TCP written on his icon really small.
    5. DO NOT scan network.
    6. Do the license manager steps. When you get to the step where you have to select the device, DO NOT scan network.
    7. The device with the TCP is now available

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-03-27

    keep in mind that if Linux SL MC is used the order of activating the license is important
    1. activate Linux SL
    2. activate Linux SL Multicore license



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