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  • pixsys-nicola

    pixsys-nicola - 2021-07-28

    I want to use my PLC running Codesys 3.5 as a PROFINET DEVICE. The PLC is based on the BBB so it is supported.
    I've currently added the ethernet port, the CODESYS_Profinet_Device and its input/output resources.

    The question is:
    It is possible to export that configuration as GSD file to easily import it to TIA Portal?
    I can only see the export as CSV file.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-07-28

    you need to export it from CODESYS device repository..


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2021-07-28
    • kunz - 2022-10-02

      Can the exported device description file be passed on to third parties so that they can use it in their Engeeniering tool?

  • pixsys-nicola

    pixsys-nicola - 2021-07-30

    Ok verified, with "export" button Codesys creates a zip file with the GSD file inside.
    Thank you.


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