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Input Event OnValueChanged doesnt work

  • gurke258 - 2023-04-05

    Hello together,

    i have a problem with my Visualization.. I want to use the OnValueChanged event but this doesnt work.. all other events work fine but no this.

    It doesnt matter what i use in this event. Nothing is working.

    Also i have checked the Compliler, but OnValueChanged is not deactivated.

    I have Visualization Library

    Can anyone help me?

  • student-t - 2023-06-05

    Dear Gurke258

    Did you find your answer?
    I have the same problem in my project, so i like to hear.

  • gurke258 - 2023-06-06

    Hello @student-t

    we can't solve the problem in the Visualization... I spoke with an employee from Codesys and he told me we shall impliment the event directly in the plc code... There is a FB who can handle this event.

    you can look here: Click


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