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Number format in WebVisu

  • alink - 2022-09-22

    Hello all,
    it's the first time I work with CoDeSys WebVisu and there is an issue with input of a number.

    There is a dialog for input of a value for PLC parameter.
    For that, the VisuDialogs.Numpad is used.
    Now, it should be possible to input a value between 0.0 and 50.0 with 1 decimal place (limits are set to 0 and 50).
    But it is not possible to set a valie with a decimal. This is not accepted, the limit values are going to red (i.e. input value is 19.9). What's wrong? -- see picture
    Is it possible to set the amount of decimal places with a placeholder?
    I don't find any description for following (format) meanings:
    %d, %s, %5.2f,....
    Thanks in advance!


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